'The Dark Side' Hot Chocolate

'The Dark Side' Hot Chocolate

'The Dark Side' Hot Chocolate

This raw vegan hot chocolate is simple to make but has a complex taste that's deep and delicious, warming and hearty with a creaminess that's unexpected from vegan chocolate. Make it with or without the plump juicy dates and take a walk on the dark side as you heat things up with this decadent hot chocolate. 

dark hot chocolate vegan

Makes 2 Delicious Servings


 500ml non-dairy milk 

60g The Dark Side 85% Conscious Chocolate, chopped 

4 soft fresh medjool dates 

A pinch of sea salt 


  1. In a saucepan, add the dates, seasalt and milk. Heat on a low flame until the milk is just simmering and the dates have softened. 
  2.  Remove from the heat, add the chopped chocolate and cover with a lid for two minutes, giving the chocolate a chance to melt in the hot milk.
  3. Add to a blender and blitz up until completely smooth. 
The Dark Side hot chocolate
For more inspiration see our other dark chocolate recipes or visit the blog to discover more about raw chocolate, how it's made, what it contains and where it comes from. 
If you love this recipe be sure to share with your friends or let us know on Facebook and Instagram, we love hearing from you. 
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