Which Summer Chocolate Bar Are You?

Which Summer Chocolate Bar Are You?

Summer is on its way and this year we’ll all be looking at snacks to share with friends and family in the garden. Take a look at why sharing chocolate strengthens bonds and helps to create friendships in our blog.

Every single bar of Conscious Chocolate has been created by Emma with a bespoke personality and attribute involved which is reflected in the powerful organic ingredients, the holistic taste and the emotion the bar leaves you feeling. The bars have specific blends of ingredients that reflect states and enhance moods.

For this quiz we’ve concentrated on the taste and how the bars leave you feeling. Check out our future quizzes and blogs for more information on the unique combinations of organic essential oils for the mind and body.

We’ve taken four summer themed bars and created a quick fun psychology quiz to see which of these suits your personality. Take the quiz, record your answers and find your result below. Let us know on social media which bar you are and if you agree with the decision.

Please note the questions do pretend there is no Covid restrictions on meeting right now.

Here goes.

Question 1

You are arranging to meet close friends for an evening of catching up, where do you choose to meet?

  1. Outdoors at a park or in your garden
  2. At the beach
  3. At home in your cosy living room
  4. In a traditional pub

Question 2

It’s your turn to choose what to watch on TV, what do you choose? 

  1. A romantic comedy
  2. A holiday program
  3. A cookery show
  4. A documentary

Question 3

You have the radio on while working but can only choose from 4 stations, what are you listening to?

  1. Radio 1 – Dance music, the latest hits
  2. Radio 2 – You love Zoe Ball and Rylan Clarke Neal
  3. Radio 3 – A little jazz and world music is ideal while you potter
  4. Radio 4 – You like to dive a bit deeper into current affairs and love The Archers

Question 4

What is your favourite colour out of the following?

  1. Yellow – the brighter the better
  2. White
  3. Green
  4. Red

Question 5

What is your fashion style?

  1. Sportswear, the brighter the better
  2. Sunglasses, bling, beach wear
  3. Floaty florals
  4. Classic cuts, professional wear

Question 6

What is your favourite breed of dog out of the following?

  1. Greyhound
  2. Chihuahua
  3. St Bernard
  4. Poodle

Question 7

What is your ideal job?

  1. Something active, anything but being tied to a desk
  2. Travel agent or Cabin Crew
  3. A farm shop or organic gardening
  4. Business or marketing

Question 8

What is your home like?

  1. Light, bright and minimalistic
  2. Following the latest trends from Instagram
  3. A mixture of old antiques, bookshelves but with the latest gadgets
  4. Classic and very tidy, organised

Now take a look at your answers and see the results below to find out which summer bar you are.

If you answered mostly A’s

You are Citrus Zest!

You’re bright, sparkly and fun to be around. With a coruscating personality, you’re very active and also on the go all of the time but love to meditate to. Serenity is important to you. You make a great friend as you see the positive in every situation and you’re great as a team player.

Citrus Chocolate

If you answered mostly B’s

You are Goji and Coconut!

You love the mystic of tropical climes and try to recreate this in your own life. You can often be found at the beach, no matter what the weather but are happiest soaking up the sun. You’re very cultured and love to travel. You are a great friend as you always have tales to tell and an alternative perspective that many find comforting.

 Goji and Coconut

If you answered mostly C’s

You are Maca and Spirulina!

You are happiest at home nurturing your closest relationships, whether it’s a partner, a child or a parent, you are the caretaker and the one who always puts others first. You're benevolence doesn't go unnoticed. You’re in touch with your feminine side and love to help anything grow strong, be it plants or people. You’re a great friend as you’re always generous with your time and a listening ear.

 Maca and Spirulina Chocolate

If you answered mostly D’s

You are Sour Cherry!

You’re wildly ambitious and successful in your chosen career path. Highly organised you appreciate the finer, gentile side of life. Pure, unadulterated produce, high quality food, fine dining, and revered classical music. You’re also a wine or whisky connoisseur and love to frequent gastro pubs and Michelin starred restaurants. You make a great friend as you always have wisdom to impart and an astute logical way of thinking that your friends adore.  

 Sour Cherry Chocolate Bar

Please tell us what you are on social media, we would love to find out more about you!


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